QTech Advantage

• Anti-corossive and non-scaling
• resistance to high temperature
• Heat preservation and energy saving
• good chemical resistance
• long service life
Field of Applications

• Pipe network for swimming pool facilities
• Conveyor of industrial water and chemical Materials
• Compressed air pipelines
• pipe networks for rain water utilization system
• Residential hot and cold waterline system
• other agricultural and industrial pipeline

• Good for sanitation
• Light weight and high strength
• easy and reliable fixings
About the Products
The most common testing machine used in tensile testing is the universal testing machine. This type of machine has two (2) crosshead, one is adjusted for length of the specimen and the other is driven to apply tension to the test specimen. (This is shown in the video). Tensile specimen is a standardized sample cross section as shown, it has two shoulders and a gauge in between. The shoulders are large so they can be easily gripped whereas the gauge section has a smaller cross-section so that the deformation and failure can occur in this area.
1. Vertically cut the pipe using a special cutter, the cut should be smooth. No burr or raw edge.
2. Mark a line of required length on the end of the pipe.
3. Choose the heating die of the fusion machine according to the diameter of the pipe and then switch it on and pre-heat.
4. When the indicator lamp turns green, simultaneously insert the pipe and the fitting into the hot fusion machine up to the mark part of the pipe.
5. After reaching the time required, pull out t7he pipe and the fitting and quickly insert the pipe to the fitting.